About the Book:
A kidnapping, the divorce of her parents, the loss of her father, temporary abandonment and extreme poverty are just some of the issues the author dealt with as a young child.
Her mother finally tells her she must go to college so she can break out of this cycle of poverty and hopelessness. But how can she when she has no money and absolutely no confidence or self esteem?
Read this true story to discover what hope, faith and determination can do to change a life.
A truly inspiring, deeply personal tale of perseverance in the face of unimaginable hardships, Safe from the Past makes clear the restorative power of an education.
Told in an open, honest voice with the deepest sincerity, the author's life story serves as a rousing inspiration to those with the desire to create a better life than the one they are currently living.
No matter how helpless you feel, everyone has the power to shape their own life.
My Thoughts:
This book definitely was a quick read with only 138 pages; as well, I tend to enjoy memoirs genres making this book right up my alley. I thought that it was an encouraging story of how a young girl against all odds made a better life for herself, and how she learned to use her painful experiences as stepping stones to better her future.
I thought that the story seemed watered down, and at some points made the background not sound as awful as it probably was, although I believe the author was trying her best to bring to life the fear, anxiety, and chaos that she had faced while growing up. I also found it baffling that she seemed to let her mother “off the hook” (so to say) in the parts that she played in the lifestyle that in which they lived. I also wondered where she found her faith and God. I don’t recall any talk of church or knowing other believers.
Although, I thought some information was left out that could have enhanced the story a bit more, the bottom line is the story is an encouragement for anyone who desire to go to college, but are finding themselves struggling through life.
A Giveaway:
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TWEET THIS: Safe From the Past by Patricia Mauro - inspiring tale of perseverance in the face of unimaginable hardships. http://ow.ly/5FQHA #litfuse
FACEBOOK THIS: Don’t miss Patricia Mauro’s Safe From the Past - inspiring, deeply personal tale of perseverance in the face of unimaginable hardships. http://ow.ly/5FQHA. Told in an open, honest voice with the deepest sincerity, the author's life story serves as a rousing inspiration to those with the desire to create a better life than the one they are currently living.
Want to Buy the Book Yourself: http://www.amazon.com/Safe-Past-Story-Faith-Determination/dp/1933651849/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1310054112&sr=sprightly-20
About the Patricia Miller Mauro:

During her time in NY, Patricia wrote an article entitled "A Tribute To My Mother" which was published in "The Recovery Journal" in 1999. Her book is a continuation of that tribute and serves to spread the message to those in similar situations that good news is on its way to children considering a higher education but who are afraid to dream. For more information please visit, www.patriciamaurobooks.com.
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*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity group’s blog for books program in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I'm in no way directly related to the contest giveaway, and comments left for this blog post will not count toward entry into the giveaway contest (ways to enter are listed above.)
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